Dustin Zahn
How does the techno scene look like in Minneapolis?
It’s fairly strong at the moment. It’s not as big of a market as NYC or LA so the options and culture is a bit limited, but the trade-off is that you can play just about anything as long as you do it well. In Minneapolis, there is no need to stick to the trends.
What made you want to DJ and produce techno? Any big inspirations?
I have always been a fan of the music and it seemed like a good idea to pass the time when I was in school. Since I started so early, it basically became who I am and I don’t know life in any other way. I’d say I’ve been influenced more than inspired by some DJs. Growing up with techno music for example, I appreciated Ben Sims for the creativity in his 3-deck mixing style, Surgeon for his approach to genre-bending sets, and someone like Marco Carola for having one of the smoothest techniques in the world.
How would you describe your sound?
I would say it is techno music for the “thinking man,” but I also don’t want him to think too hard. Then of course there is the house-influenced stuff for the girls…it is what it is.
How do you feel about playing in Stockholm the 13th of November with Joel Mull?
It’s terrible. My agent said, “Hey man, you have to go to Stockholm,” and I said, “Why the hell do I have to go to Sweden? We agreed only on bookings with beaches and champagne!” Just when you think the conversation couldn’t get any worse, it did.
Agent: Oh yeah, one other thing. Kind of a touchy subject. Uh…you know Joel Mull?
Me: (sigh) The guy from Drumcode and Truesoul?
Agent: Yeah, that asshole. Anyway, it looks like you’re gonna have to play with him.
Me: You’re fired.
Seriously though, it’s great. Joel is a good friend and our styles complement each other nicely, so it’s always a good time. Playing with Nihad & Nima will be nice too…their Drumcode was pretty damn good. Nihad is also doing something for my label, Enemy, so it will be good to slap him. I’m also looking forward to Stockholm because I have friends there and have met a lot of the people before. Plus, I’ve done a number of things for Drumcode and Truesoul so it’s good to see the climate these labels exist in. Adam was one of the first big DJs to support my tracks.
Have you played here before?
No. I was in Stockholm for a day once, doing the tourist thing about 8 years ago. I was actually supposed to play some small gig there, but apparently the place burned down. I realized this when I arrived. It finally made sense why nobody was writing me back a couple days beforehand.
Favorite tune at the moment?
No particular favorites, but some I enjoy at the moment:
Subjected “Vault Series 1.0”
Dennis Ferrer – The Red Roomwe
LB Dub Corp – It’s What You Feel
Freddy Fresh – 5 More Mouths
In the studio, software or hardware?
I’m all software, but if I ever hit it big on the asteroid belt of shit that is Beatport, I am going to buy a bunch of analog gear. Software has become a bit too sterile and lifeless for me.
What’s in store for Dustin Zahn in the near future?
I’m trying to write an album at the moment. I’d say it’s around halfway done. I’m also in the studio a lot in November with a few different producers, Joel included. There is no pressure to turn out an EP from these collaborations, but I hope something good comes from it all!