onsdag 10 november 2010

Nima Khak interview - who is this uprising dj/producer - you find out here!

Nima Khak

So tell us, who is Nima Khak?
Nima Khak is a music lover first and for most. As a child I was the one in the family who always had a fresh new tape ready in the home stereo, ready to record the latest tracks as soon as they were aired on the radio. Early heroes where Michael Jackson, The Prodigy, Guns 'n' Roses , Mc Hammer (oh yes, I will admit that I had my Hammer pants on doing his dances in the living room :)

As a teenager I started to find my way around the Stockholm underground techno scene, and it was at one of the first visits to the legendary "Docklands club" where I heard Cari Lekebusch spin techno for the first time. Soon after that I bought my first real techno CDs ("Code Red-Stand Down" (still one of the best techno compilations that have ever been released) and "Cari Lekebusch
Det Jag Vet (Album)" ) and I fell totally in love with the sound. To a very big extend those two albums influenced my sound back then and in many ways they still do.

How would you describe your sound?
I grew up in Stockholm with the rich flora of prolific labels such as Drumcode, Code Red, H-Productions, Inside rec. and the other Stockholm based labels coloring the soundscape of my own production to a big extent. Today my productions are often centered around a deeper groove and a pulsating beat, but always with a clear and consistent idea and a forward thinking drive as showcased by my releases on Drumcode, H-Productions and Truesoul. But I always try to stay curious, exploring, experimenting and keep developing my own sound, I don't want to be an artist whom you can easily put a genera label on.

Allot have happened your DJ career the last year. With releases on Drumcode and Hybrid Productions its easy to say 2010 has been a good year. How has it affected you?
Yes, I must say 2010 has both production-wise and Dj-wise been a great year for me. I have never been a "mass-producer", I can't pop out 2 tracks a week. I like to play around with a singel loop a few weeks then leaving it and get back to it with fresh "critical" ears before I finish a new song. So you will not start to see a crazy amount of new Nima Khak releases, but hopefully the ones you hear are good ones.

Any upcoming releases?
In the pipeline there are two new remix coming out early next year. One of the remix is on a Patrick Siech track that will be released on Gregor Treshers Break New Soil imprint. The other one I can't talk to much about right now. I am also working on some new stuff with our Shufflekraft project, its a project where me, Nihad Tule and Lasseman get together, smoke water-pipes and do crazy beats :). 
I think you will see much more of that project during 2011.

In the studio, software or hardware?
In my studio its all about Ableton Live! I am a software developer, so naturally I work a lot with my PC (Yes kids you can still produce with a PC, even if all the hipsters wants you to think differently :)
But I have a few midi-controllers to help me around, my APC-40 is the main tool.

How do you feel about playing at Hyper.Melon’s first indoor event? This is the second time your with us, but this time its gonna be stepped up a notch. We are really happy to have you back.
I am super excited about this gig! It was a treat to play at the Hyper.Melon party at F12 this summer but I have a feeling this will even top that! I mean with a line up like this you can't go wrong basically.

Whats your favorite tune atm?
That is an impossible question for me to answer. Favorite tune changes depending on what I am doing and my mood at that specific moment. I listen to everything from Motown to post-rock stuff. But if you want to know my favorite techno tracks at the moment you can check out my November chart that I posted on swedishtechno.com: http://swedishtechno.com/nima-khak/chart/126

How does the future look like for mr Nima Khak?
Right now, Nihad Tule, Miss Dilemma and my self are looking for a new studio-space to share, and as soon as we have found our new home, a big chunk of my focus will be on the production side of things again and maybe a bit fewer Dj gigs.

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